Golden Star Fruit Winners

Food For Folks: A Community Garden for the Commons on Parliament Hill to set an example for food security across the Nation!

Audrey Logan: Ciy Hall, for unjust legislations that create food insecurity and for 'council to do it"!!!! get their hands dirty the clean way!!

Food For thought
  The Food Security All-Stars – Greenin’ Tha Gutter
Purging the soil of contamination
Planting seeds in a bed of desolation

Bursting the gutter with new vegetation

Self-sufficiency, culture and pride incarnation

What doesn’t kills us makes new generation!

New technology or new innovation

Hands in the dirt with new determination

It's agriculture based on co-operation

We produce enough to feed our population

Enough for all forever, our polit
ical foundation
Food security we push for legislation

Public health and safer communities a social innovation

Entrepreneurship and gardening a prosperous realization

So Here’s and invitation

Break the isolation

Plant for the commons with no hesitation”

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